Package-level declarations


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data class JenkinsBuild(val result: String, val number: Int, val url: String?, val timestamp: Long)

Represents a Jenkins build.

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data class JenkinsConfig(val url: String, val username: String, val token: String)

The Jenkins configuration.

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data class JenkinsJob(val name: String, val url: String?, val description: String?, val lastBuild: JenkinsBuild?, val lastCompletedBuild: JenkinsBuild?, val lastFailedBuild: JenkinsBuild?, val lastStableBuild: JenkinsBuild?)

Represents a Jenkins job.


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The JenkinsConfig instance.

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The Jenkins Credentials Description for the Nexus Credentials.

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The Jenkins Credentials ID for the Nexus Credentials.


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fun changeJenkinsPassword(username: String, newPassword: String): Boolean

Changes the Jenkins password for a user.

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fun checkCredentials(username: String, password: String)

Checks if the Jenkins credentials exist, and creates them if they don't.

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Checks the user config.xml present on the Jenkins CI.

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fun createJenkinsJob(username: String, jobName: String, repoLink: String, isFreestyle: Boolean, config: (String) -> String = { it }): Boolean

Creates a Jenkins job.

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fun createJenkinsUser(username: String, password: String, group: Boolean = false): Boolean

Creates a Jenkins user.

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fun deleteJob(username: String, jobName: String): Boolean

Deletes a Jenkins job.

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fun deleteUser(username: String): Boolean

Deletes a Jenkins user.

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Gets all Jenkins users.

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fun getJenkinsUser(username: String): String

Gets a Jenkins user's configuration.

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fun getJobInfo(username: String, jobName: String): JenkinsJob?

Gets the information of a Jenkins job.

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Checks if a Git repository is a freestyle project.

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suspend fun jenkins(url: String, request: HttpRequest.Builder.() -> Unit = { GET() }): HttpResponse<String>

Sends an HTTP request using the JenkinsConfig.authorization header.

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fun ping(): Boolean

Pings the Jenkins server.

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fun triggerBuild(username: String, jobName: String): Boolean

Triggers a build for a Jenkins job.