Package-level declarations


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const val CREDENTIALS: String

The ID of the jenkins credentials template.

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The ID of the jenkins credentials domain template.

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Whether this HTTP Response is a success.

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The ID of the jenkins freestyle job template.

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const val JOB_MAVEN: String

The ID of the jenkins maven job template.

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The ID of the maven settings template for jenkins credentials.

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val RESOURCE_CACHE: <Error class: unknown class>

The resource cache of loaded resources, mapped by their ID.

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const val USER_CONFIG: String

The ID of the jenkins user config template.


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Creates a random password of the given size.

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suspend fun filesExists(git: String, files: Iterable<String>): Boolean

Checks if any file exist in a Git Repository.

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fun initialize(jenkins: JenkinsConfig, nexus: NexusConfig, db: DBConfig): Job

Initializes the CodeMC API.

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suspend fun loadResources()

Loads the resources into the RESOURCE_CACHE.

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suspend fun req(url: String, request: HttpRequest.Builder.() -> Unit = { GET() }): HttpResponse<String>

Sends an HTTP request using the HTTP Client.